
Our newest products

Our designs are a vibrant tapestry of cultural artistry and modern digital enhancement. With a global team of designers hailing from Italy to Japan, the USA to Peru, and the Philippines, we harness the power of Generative AI to weave together the old and the new. Each collection is a layered symphony of symbols and references, sometimes hybridized, sometimes given a pop twist, but always aiming to connect, transform, and re-sacralize.

Spiritual journey embodied in All Over T-Shirt, Amanita Collection.
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SKU: 9532539_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Welcome to the spiritual journey that is your All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection. This isn't just a garment—it's a wearable piece of art that resonates with the mystical energy of the Yakut people and their profound connection to...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
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SKU: 9106832_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the spirit of the Amanita Collection with the All Over T-Shirt that is not just a garment, but an enchanting journey into the heart of the Yakut culture. This piece, adorned with the mystical Amanita muscaria, serves as a...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 3630850_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embark on a spiritual journey with the All Over T-Shirt from our Amanita Collection. This isn't just a garment; it's an exploration of comfort, versatility, and deep-rooted connections. The Comfort & Versatility of this piece lies in its super smooth...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 6616243_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the spirit of the Amanita Collection with the All Over T-Shirt that is not just a garment, but an enchanting journey into the heart of the Yakut culture. This piece, adorned with the mystical Amanita muscaria, serves as a...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 9352324_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the spirit of the Amanita Collection with the All Over T-Shirt that is not just a garment, but an enchanting journey into the heart of the Yakut culture. This piece, adorned with the mystical Amanita muscaria, serves as a...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 4622683_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the spirit of the Amanita Collection with the All Over T-Shirt that is not just a garment, but an enchanting journey into the heart of the Yakut culture. This piece, adorned with the mystical Amanita muscaria, serves as a...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 7809848_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Technical Information & Care Instructions Welcome the spirit of exploration and cultural reverence in your everyday life with the All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection. As a wearable testament to the rich, deeply connected culture of the Yakut people,...

€49 €39
 All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 2908442_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the spiritual journey that unfolds with every wear of your All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection. This wearable piece of art isn’t just a garment; it’s a testament to the rich heritage of the Yakut people and a...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 3192462_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embrace the transformative power of the All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection. This wearable piece of art, adorned with the sacred Amanita muscaria, offers a spiritual journey that transcends the physical realm. Each wear is an immersion into the...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 5126607_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Technical Information & Care Instructions Embrace the spirit of the Amanita Collection as you don this All Over T-Shirt. Designed for both comfort and versatility, it is more than just a garment - it's a spiritual journey that transcends the...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 2398396_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Welcome to the spiritual journey of the All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection. This isn't just a piece of clothing; it's an experience, a testament to the rich, deeply connected culture of the Yakut people. Each time you wear...

€49 €39
All Over T-Shirt showcasing Amanita muscaria design from Amanita Collection.
Out stock

SKU: 6335216_8850

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Experience the blend of spirituality and comfort with your All Over T-Shirt from the Amanita Collection - a wearable journey into the Yakut culture. Infused with the essence of the sacred Amanita muscaria, this piece is more than just a...

€49 €39