
Our newest products

Our designs are a vibrant tapestry of cultural artistry and modern digital enhancement. With a global team of designers hailing from Italy to Japan, the USA to Peru, and the Philippines, we harness the power of Generative AI to weave together the old and the new. Each collection is a layered symphony of symbols and references, sometimes hybridized, sometimes given a pop twist, but always aiming to connect, transform, and re-sacralize.

"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 5010629_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the cosmic narratives of the Yakut people with the Amanita Sweatshirt. This wearable work of art, woven with sacred symbolism, offers you a tangible link to an ancient culture, and a testament to the mystical powers of...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 2218967_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Wrap yourself in the mystique of the Amanita Sweatshirt, a tangible bridge linking you to the spiritual depth of the Yakut culture and the transformative power of the Amanita muscaria. This wearable piece of art is not only a symbol...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 2801155_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Unveil the ethereal tales of Yakut culture with the Amanita Sweatshirt. Crafted with a perfect blend of spirituality and comfort, this piece of wearable art merges the mystical and the practical into one seamless experience. Adorned with intricate designs inspired...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 2113301_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the cosmic narratives of the Yakut people with the Amanita Sweatshirt. This wearable work of art, woven with sacred symbolism, offers you a tangible link to an ancient culture, and a testament to the mystical powers of...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
Out stock

SKU: 6138890_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the mystic embrace of the Amanita Sweatshirt, a wearable testament to the spiritual narratives of the Yakut people and their sacred bond with the Amanita muscaria. This captivating piece is not just a sweatshirt, but a spiritual...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 9807543_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Wrap yourself in the mystique of the Amanita Sweatshirt, a tangible bridge linking you to the spiritual depth of the Yakut culture and the transformative power of the Amanita muscaria. This wearable piece of art is not only a symbol...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 1167878_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Wrap yourself in the mystique of the Amanita Sweatshirt, a tangible bridge linking you to the spiritual depth of the Yakut culture and the transformative power of the Amanita muscaria. This wearable piece of art is not only a symbol...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
Out stock

SKU: 2612967_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Embark on a mystic journey with our Amanita Sweatshirt, a piece of wearable art that transcends the ordinary. It's more than just a sweatshirt; it's an embodiment of spiritual awakening and an homage to the profound Yakut culture. With its...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
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SKU: 1705665_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of the Amanita Sweatshirt, an embodiment of spiritual depth and versatility. With every wear, experience a surge of comfort, as if wrapped in the ethereal embrace of an ancient culture. This is more than...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
Out stock

SKU: 4800122_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of the Amanita Sweatshirt, an embodiment of spiritual depth and versatility. With every wear, experience a surge of comfort, as if wrapped in the ethereal embrace of an ancient culture. This is more than...

€79 €59
"Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
Out stock

SKU: 4455918_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of the Amanita Sweatshirt, an embodiment of spiritual depth and versatility. With every wear, experience a surge of comfort, as if wrapped in the ethereal embrace of an ancient culture. This is more than...

€79 €59
 "Amanita Collection Sweatshirt reflecting Yakut culture and Amanita muscaria."
Out stock

SKU: 3901899_9730

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of the Amanita Sweatshirt, an embodiment of spiritual depth and versatility. With every wear, experience a surge of comfort, as if wrapped in the ethereal embrace of an ancient culture. This is more than...

€79 €59