
Our newest products

Our designs are a vibrant tapestry of cultural artistry and modern digital enhancement. With a global team of designers hailing from Italy to Japan, the USA to Peru, and the Philippines, we harness the power of Generative AI to weave together the old and the new. Each collection is a layered symphony of symbols and references, sometimes hybridized, sometimes given a pop twist, but always aiming to connect, transform, and re-sacralize.

Aztec Xochipilli Flag
Out stock

SKU: 5334995_12584

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Let the Mystical Flag serve as a cosmic tapestry in your home, transforming any space into a mystic sanctuary. Its soft, lightweight fabric ensures comfort and versatility, effortlessly adapting to indoor and outdoor settings. Whether you're hosting a Full Moon...

€34 €29
Yemanja Orixa Flag
Out stock

SKU: 4231586_12584

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Bring the harmony of the universe into your living space with our unique wall flag, designed to be as enduring and vibrant as the cultures and traditions it embodies. This isn't simply a flag; it's a soft and flexible canvas...

€34 €29
Yemanja Orixa Flag
Out stock

SKU: 6771762_12584

VENDOR: Cosmovisions

Unveil a new dimension of comfort and versatility with our unique flag. An emblem of your individuality, this piece is designed to effortlessly blend with your space, adding a dash of color and charisma. Whether it’s a movie night or...

€34 €29